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Tuesday, December 20, 2011


nama  : ardi eksanusi
NIM  : A320110053

A.      Present ProgressiveTense
to express something that is happening. Usually the Signal Words are at the moment, just, just now, Listen!, Look!, now, right now.
Formula :
subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb – ing + object
(-) :
subject + to be + not + verb – ing + object
(?) :
to be + subject + verb – ing + object
Example :
a.       A: He is speaking.
N: He is not speaking.
Q: Is he speaking?
b.      A: He is writing some texts.
N: He is not writing some texts.
Q: Is he writing some texts?
c.       A: He is cooking fried rice.
N: He is not cooking fried rice.
Q: Is he cooking fried rice?
d.      A: He is singing in his bed.
N: He is not singing in his bed.
Q: Is he singing in his bed?

B.      Past Progressive Tense
To action going on at a certain time in the past, actions taking place at the same time, and action in the past that is interrupted by another action. Usually usewhen, while, as long as.
Formula :
Positif (+)
Subject + to be (was/were) + verb-ing + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + was/were + not + verb-ing + object
Tanya (?)
- was/were + subject + verb-ing + object ?
Example :
a.       A: He was speaking.
N: He was not speaking.
Q: Was he speaking?
b.      When I was cleaning my bed my mother was cooking in the kitchen.
c.       When I was watching TV my father called me.
d.      A: He was writing.
N: He was not writing.
Q: Was he writing?
e.      When I was reading a book my mother was watering flowers at the garden.
f.        When I was watching TV my father came.

C.      Present Perfect Progressive
To putting emphasis on the course or duration (not the result), action that recently stopped or is still going on, and finished action that influenced the present. Usually use all day, for 4 years, since 1993, how long?, the whole week.
Formula :
Subject + has / have + been + verb-ing
Subject + has / have + not + been + verb-ing
Has/have + subject + been + verb-ing ?
Example :
a.       A: He has been speaking.
N: He has not been speaking.
Q: Has he been speaking?
b.      A: He has been reading magazine.
N: He has not been reading magazine.
Q: Has he been reading magazine?
c.       A: He has been listening to musics.
N: He has not listening to musics.
Q: Has he been listening to musics?
d.      A: He has been sleeping.
N: He has not been sleeping.
Q: Has he been sleeping?
e.      I have been watching TV for two hours (+)
f.        He has been playing football since elementary school (+)
g.       Marina has not been learning english for two years (-)
h.      Have you been reading a book for an hour ? (?)

D.      Past Perfect Progressive
action taking place before a certain time in the past, sometimes interchangeable with past perfect simple, putting emphasis on the duration or course of an action. Usually use for, since, the whole day, all day.
Subject + had + been + verb-ing + object
Subject + had + not + been + verb-ing + object
Had + subject + been + object ?
Example :
a.       A: He had been speaking.
N: He had not been speaking.
Q: Had he been speaking?
b.      He had been living in Jakarta about ten years (+)
He had not been living in Jakarta about ten years (-)
Had He been living in Jakarta about ten years ? (?)
c.       He had been staying in Banyumas about ten years (+)
He had not been staying in Banyumas about ten years (-)
Had He been staying in Banyumas about ten years ? (?)
d.      A: He had been reading.
N: He had not been reading.
Q: Had he been reading?

E.       Future Progressive Tense
To express action that is going on at a certain time in the future, action that is sure to happen in the near future. Usually use in one year, next week, tonight, tomorrow.
Formula :
Subject + will/shall + be + verb-ing + object
Subject + will/shall + not + verb-ing + object
Will/shall + subject + be + verb-ing + object
Example :
a.       I will be watching a movie tonight (+).
I will not be watching a movie tonight (-).
Will you be watching a movie tonight ? (?).
b.      I will be reading a book tonight (+).
I will not be reading a book tonight (-).
Will you be reading a book tonight ? (?).
c.       I will be writing a letter tonight (+).
I will not be writing a letter tonight (-).
Will you be writing a letter tonight ? (?).
d.      I will be playing table tennis tonight (+).
I will not be playing table tennis tonight (-).
Will you be playing table tennis tonight ? (?).

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