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Thursday, December 8, 2011


Name: Ardi Eksanusi
NIM: A320110053

“Can” can be used to :
  1. to expresses ability (in a sense able to do something or know how to do something)
Example :
    1. She can speak English but he can’t write it very well.
    2. He can climb this tree quickly.
    3. He can do it.
    4. I can hear him.
    5. I can speak in Deutch.
    6. He can play football.
    7. She can tell this story.
    8. She can play Badminton.
    9. I can feel it.
    10. I can see this.

  1. to reveal the theoretical possibility
Example :
    1.  American automobile makers can make better cars if they think there’s a     profit in it.
    2. You can get better value if you study hard.
    3. You can feel good if you join with me to the beach.
    4. This company can better if accept my proposal.
    5. You can happy if you follow me.
    6. You can get the best car if you go to my car shop.
    7. You can get the best shoes if you buy in my shop.
    8. You can sleep if you turn off the lamp.
    9. You can cry if you hear my story.
    10. we can win if I can play.

     Auxiliary verb which means "may / might" are used to express:
  1. Permit application.
Example :
    1. May I borrow your motorcycle?
    2. May I borrow your book?
    3. May I go to library?
    4. May I eat now?
    5. May I borrow your car?
    6. May I know your problem?
    7. May I go to outside?
    8. May I drink your tea?
    9. May I bring your shoes?
    10. May I know your name?
  1. Request or expectation.
Example :
    1. May you both the happy.
    2. May God bless you.
    3. May you happy.
    4. May our team winner.
    5. May God bless them.
    6. May the teacher safe.
    7. May god bless him
    8. May you win.
    9. May you safe.
    10. May we happy.

     Auxiliary verb which means it must or must, be used to declare:
1.      The requirement / must.
Example :

1.      You must go now.
2.      I must do my homework soon.
3.      She must study hard.
4.      She must go to the hospital.
5.      he must eat now.
6.      he must go to school.
7.      He must take a rest.
8.      He must drink this coffe.
9.      She must sleep now.
10.  He must go to campus now.

2.      To ask Something
1.      Must I go now?
2.      Must she pay it?
3.      Must I see it?
4.      Must I put it?
5.      Must I bring it?
6.      Must we join with you?
7.      Must I pay it?
8.      Must I read it?
9.      Must I write it?
10.  Must I play with you?
3.      Must not (musn't) shows the (mean) a ban or not.
1.   You must not smoke in the class.
2.      Susan mustn't go there alone.
3.      You must not drink in the class.
4.      She must not sleep now.
5.      He must not take a rest on the garden.
6.      You must not eat in the class.
7.      You must not sleep in the class.
8.      You must not rowdy in the class.
9.      You must not get out from the class.
10.  You must not play cards in the class.

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